Monday, March 11, 2013
WOW 2013 already!
I can't believe that it is 2013 already. So much has happened since I last blogged. Let's start with Ron and I......this year 2013 will be three years that we have been married (wow that long already?!) and we like most couples have some ups and down but the ups have out weighed the downs by far. I have had diabetes II for over 15 years now and things have slowly started to change. I have been diagnosed with Diabetic Kidney disease which I will need to be on a low protein diet----no big deal for me since I have already changed my eating habits. Have to monitor my sugar levels more closely and exercise more. Well since the days seem to be getting nicer out already no biggie there.
In fact I have already lost 28.4 lbs since August. I put on a dress that I bought over two years ago and even then it was a snug fit but not to bad and now it is a little bit big on me so I was doing a happy dance yesterday and got many complements on my dress. YEAH ME! Ron had broken a tooth which led to a root canal and soon a cap on that tooth and the funny thing about it is that he broke it when he was sleeping. DOH!
Steven started Radford University in August last year and really loves it there. After he came home for winter break he got back to school and was offered an Resident Assistant job at the school. He had to change dorms but when you are as easy going and people gravitate towards you it not a bad thing. He has since been asked to continue being an RA next year so Yeah me again since it will be less money for me. His dog is so lost without him and now that he is home for Spring Break she will not leave his side. She loves him so much. Steven has met some really nice people at school and I am glad that he is so easy going, he should not have any problems having friends no matter what dorm he lives in.
Shawn is a senior in High School and this past fall played his last year of football and he won the Unsung Hero award from the coaches as he played where ever they needed him to without complaining. He was the manager for the girls basketball team again (this was his third year) and at last nights dinner they honored him with a picture collage and all the girls stated what their favorite memory was of Shawn and they all love him so much and he was a vital part of their team. He is also taking a dance class this year and at the fall concert he was given a standing ovation for one of his performances. They took part in the Howard County Dance Festival and they had a great time, the week after that the dance company got to go to Florida for a few days and learn from the Disney crew and perform there as well. They will be having a Spring Dance Concert on May 9th and 10th so I can't wait to see that. Shawn has started playing Lacrosse this year and so far loving it.
Back in August Shawn signed up for delayed entry into the US Marine Corp. and he has progressed maturely and physically since joining. I will miss by baby when he leaves for boot camp on July 15, 2013. He will be graduating from high school this may and I am still in shock that my baby is going to be 18 on May 22nd. WOW where did all the time go, wasn't he just learning to walk the other day? Not to mention that Steven will be turning 21 this year on November 5th. I am not going to be a good empty nester.
This June Ron and I are planning on going to Las Vegas to see his nephew graduate from High School. I am looking forward to it since I have NEVER been out west before (or for that matter off the East Coast)and am getting more excited by the day.
I plan on trying to blog more this year, but no promises though.
Have a great and blessed year everyone.

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