Julie's Joint
Monday, March 11, 2013
WOW 2013 already!
I can't believe that it is 2013 already. So much has happened since I last blogged. Let's start with Ron and I......this year 2013 will be three years that we have been married (wow that long already?!) and we like most couples have some ups and down but the ups have out weighed the downs by far. I have had diabetes II for over 15 years now and things have slowly started to change. I have been diagnosed with Diabetic Kidney disease which I will need to be on a low protein diet----no big deal for me since I have already changed my eating habits. Have to monitor my sugar levels more closely and exercise more. Well since the days seem to be getting nicer out already no biggie there.
In fact I have already lost 28.4 lbs since August. I put on a dress that I bought over two years ago and even then it was a snug fit but not to bad and now it is a little bit big on me so I was doing a happy dance yesterday and got many complements on my dress. YEAH ME! Ron had broken a tooth which led to a root canal and soon a cap on that tooth and the funny thing about it is that he broke it when he was sleeping. DOH!
Steven started Radford University in August last year and really loves it there. After he came home for winter break he got back to school and was offered an Resident Assistant job at the school. He had to change dorms but when you are as easy going and people gravitate towards you it not a bad thing. He has since been asked to continue being an RA next year so Yeah me again since it will be less money for me. His dog is so lost without him and now that he is home for Spring Break she will not leave his side. She loves him so much. Steven has met some really nice people at school and I am glad that he is so easy going, he should not have any problems having friends no matter what dorm he lives in.
Shawn is a senior in High School and this past fall played his last year of football and he won the Unsung Hero award from the coaches as he played where ever they needed him to without complaining. He was the manager for the girls basketball team again (this was his third year) and at last nights dinner they honored him with a picture collage and all the girls stated what their favorite memory was of Shawn and they all love him so much and he was a vital part of their team. He is also taking a dance class this year and at the fall concert he was given a standing ovation for one of his performances. They took part in the Howard County Dance Festival and they had a great time, the week after that the dance company got to go to Florida for a few days and learn from the Disney crew and perform there as well. They will be having a Spring Dance Concert on May 9th and 10th so I can't wait to see that. Shawn has started playing Lacrosse this year and so far loving it.
Back in August Shawn signed up for delayed entry into the US Marine Corp. and he has progressed maturely and physically since joining. I will miss by baby when he leaves for boot camp on July 15, 2013. He will be graduating from high school this may and I am still in shock that my baby is going to be 18 on May 22nd. WOW where did all the time go, wasn't he just learning to walk the other day? Not to mention that Steven will be turning 21 this year on November 5th. I am not going to be a good empty nester.
This June Ron and I are planning on going to Las Vegas to see his nephew graduate from High School. I am looking forward to it since I have NEVER been out west before (or for that matter off the East Coast)and am getting more excited by the day.
I plan on trying to blog more this year, but no promises though.
Have a great and blessed year everyone.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012
I'm Back!
So much has happened since I last blogged. Shawn's leg has healed quite nicely and now he has to wear a shin guard on that leg whenever he plays sports.
Steven started his second year of college and is now getting ready to go to London and Normandy for his WWII study abroad class. He is so excited and hopes that they will be able to go to Gordon Ramsay's restaurant while in London. Next he plans on applying for a Disney internship and if that does not pan out he will be applying to Radford College to study Parks and Rec management/sports.
We got a puppy this past summer and she is the most adorable thing. Her name is Mikayla and she is part beagle and part daschund and is VERY VERY spoiled.
Ron and I will be celebrating our two year anniversary on April 9. It has been an interesting two years with ups and downs of combining our family together.
I had some issues with my health and they are starting to turn around just need to keep the faith and keep on trucking.
So this year for Christmas we took the boys on a cruise and we had such a great time. They asked before we even got off the boat when can we go again. LOL. Hopefully this summer we will be able to go away for a week and just relax and next year we plan on going on another cruise again. I can't wait til we decide where we are going to go. Either Mexico or the Virgin Islands.
Shaw will be a senior this coming fall and I am getting a little sad because my babies are growing up and I wanted them to stay little for ever. LE SIGH!
Til next time keep your faith and pray everyday. GOD is so GOOD!
Steven started his second year of college and is now getting ready to go to London and Normandy for his WWII study abroad class. He is so excited and hopes that they will be able to go to Gordon Ramsay's restaurant while in London. Next he plans on applying for a Disney internship and if that does not pan out he will be applying to Radford College to study Parks and Rec management/sports.
We got a puppy this past summer and she is the most adorable thing. Her name is Mikayla and she is part beagle and part daschund and is VERY VERY spoiled.
Ron and I will be celebrating our two year anniversary on April 9. It has been an interesting two years with ups and downs of combining our family together.
I had some issues with my health and they are starting to turn around just need to keep the faith and keep on trucking.
So this year for Christmas we took the boys on a cruise and we had such a great time. They asked before we even got off the boat when can we go again. LOL. Hopefully this summer we will be able to go away for a week and just relax and next year we plan on going on another cruise again. I can't wait til we decide where we are going to go. Either Mexico or the Virgin Islands.
Shaw will be a senior this coming fall and I am getting a little sad because my babies are growing up and I wanted them to stay little for ever. LE SIGH!
Til next time keep your faith and pray everyday. GOD is so GOOD!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Not Again!
So Friday night we were at the Varsity Lacrosse game and it was not a pretty game. The referee's were making bad calls and the other team was playing dirty. There are certain rules that need to be followed in all sports and one of them in lacrosse is that you can't slash at someone or hit them in the legs. WELL.....My Shawn was going for a ground ball and the other team #17 slashed him in the legs and it sounded like a gun shot going off. He it Shawn in the leg with his stick and down he went screaming. I jumped off the bleachers and was on the field before you could say boo!
Now he has a broken leg where he was hit on the shin so hard that it broke in pieces.
Now you would think that if a child is screaming his head off that one would call 911 when asked if he could move and he replies no it's broken. I then told the trainer to call 911 and she continued to try to move Shawn. I again told her to call 911 and she asked you want me to call 911? I just looked at her and said "isn't that what I just said twice??" So off we go to the hospital again for another broken bone. Mind you he has already broken his shoulder, separated his shoulder and broken his two forearm bones in his right arm. He gets some drugs to make the pain more bearable, off we go to x-ray and all I can hear is Shawn screaming and crying while the technician is x-raying his leg. It was all I could do to not burst into the room and smack someone.
Back to the ER and his leg gets put in a splint and we are told to call an orthopedic Dr., well since we already have one it was a no brainer on whom to call. son in the mean time the Bishop shows up and one of Shawn's good friends who is doing all he can not to cry in front of Shawn. Darien considers Shawn a little brother, so I was not surprised to see him at the ER. We get Shawn a blessing and then the coaches show up to help us get him home.
On Saturday through out the day all the boys on the lacrosse team stop by to see how he is doing. I found out that one of the players got kicked out of the game for sticking up for Shawn and also from the next game as well. I can see why they call each other lax bros as they all look out for one another.
We got in to see Dr. Dreese on Monday and now he is in a cast from the bottom of his toes all the way up to his thigh. He will be in this type of cast for at least 3 months. We have to go back to Dr. Dreese on Monday to get more x-rays done to make sure the bones have not moved. If they have then that will require surgery and we do not want that to happen. We are thinking he needs to have a bone density test to see if he is missing something since this is his third break in 1 1/2 years.
Please keep Shawn in your prayers that he does not have to have surgery and he can continue to play sports.
Now he has a broken leg where he was hit on the shin so hard that it broke in pieces.
Now you would think that if a child is screaming his head off that one would call 911 when asked if he could move and he replies no it's broken. I then told the trainer to call 911 and she continued to try to move Shawn. I again told her to call 911 and she asked you want me to call 911? I just looked at her and said "isn't that what I just said twice??" So off we go to the hospital again for another broken bone. Mind you he has already broken his shoulder, separated his shoulder and broken his two forearm bones in his right arm. He gets some drugs to make the pain more bearable, off we go to x-ray and all I can hear is Shawn screaming and crying while the technician is x-raying his leg. It was all I could do to not burst into the room and smack someone.
Back to the ER and his leg gets put in a splint and we are told to call an orthopedic Dr., well since we already have one it was a no brainer on whom to call. son in the mean time the Bishop shows up and one of Shawn's good friends who is doing all he can not to cry in front of Shawn. Darien considers Shawn a little brother, so I was not surprised to see him at the ER. We get Shawn a blessing and then the coaches show up to help us get him home.
On Saturday through out the day all the boys on the lacrosse team stop by to see how he is doing. I found out that one of the players got kicked out of the game for sticking up for Shawn and also from the next game as well. I can see why they call each other lax bros as they all look out for one another.
We got in to see Dr. Dreese on Monday and now he is in a cast from the bottom of his toes all the way up to his thigh. He will be in this type of cast for at least 3 months. We have to go back to Dr. Dreese on Monday to get more x-rays done to make sure the bones have not moved. If they have then that will require surgery and we do not want that to happen. We are thinking he needs to have a bone density test to see if he is missing something since this is his third break in 1 1/2 years.
Please keep Shawn in your prayers that he does not have to have surgery and he can continue to play sports.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Curiosity gets me.
I have been curious about this for some time now and for the life of can't seem to figure it out. People complain all the time that they can't make friends no matter what. The way I look at it, if you scowl at the world then the world will scowl at you. I have heard this saying before that to have a friend you need to be friendly to others around you then you will have friends. Sometimes I feel like i don't have any friends but then I look back at what has happened to me and who I have done things with in the past and know that I have friends.
What also makes me curious is the people who say they are Christians yet they do not show up for church or any church activities. I used to be that way a long time ago but realized that when I did not attend church (even before I became LDS) that when I did not attend church regularly that life was difficult and yucky most of the time. But when I did attend church and actually participate in worship and practiced what I was taught that my life was rosy.
I am curious at how the teenage mind work sometimes as well. For instance my son did not want to play Varsity Lacrosse and was quite happy to be on the JV team for another year. Now that they pulled him up to Varsity he was quite happy on Saturday, but come Sunday he had doubts as to whether he was good enough or experienced enough to be on Varsity. He wants to make a deal with the coaches. I told him obviously they feel you are good enough to be on Varsity so just do it. I think he is afraid that he won't play a lot or that he will get hurt again. I suggested he pray about it and let God give him the answer. We will have to see how it goes today after he talks with his coaches.
What also makes me curious is the people who say they are Christians yet they do not show up for church or any church activities. I used to be that way a long time ago but realized that when I did not attend church (even before I became LDS) that when I did not attend church regularly that life was difficult and yucky most of the time. But when I did attend church and actually participate in worship and practiced what I was taught that my life was rosy.
I am curious at how the teenage mind work sometimes as well. For instance my son did not want to play Varsity Lacrosse and was quite happy to be on the JV team for another year. Now that they pulled him up to Varsity he was quite happy on Saturday, but come Sunday he had doubts as to whether he was good enough or experienced enough to be on Varsity. He wants to make a deal with the coaches. I told him obviously they feel you are good enough to be on Varsity so just do it. I think he is afraid that he won't play a lot or that he will get hurt again. I suggested he pray about it and let God give him the answer. We will have to see how it goes today after he talks with his coaches.
Monday, March 14, 2011
I finally found it!
If any of you have heard me talk about my cruise then you know that they served this wonderful dessert called Chocolate Molten Lava Cake. Well, my husband fell in love with this dessert and I have been trying to find a recipe that is exactly like the one from the cruise. I have seen so many different ones and tried a few but last night I found one that is just like the one on the cruise and he was in heaven. My youngest son liked it but had to have a glass of milk with it because it was so chocolaty. I have not gotten my oldest sons take on it yet so I am sure he will like it as well.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
One of those days, weeks, months or years
The last few weeks have been tremendously hectic and crazy not only at work but at home too. You know the saying when it rains it pours? Well it is pouring in my life right now and soon to be flooding me out. I think I may be on the verge of a mental breakdown.
Work is and always has been crazy but it seems to be getting more so. But that is typical of a service industry that I work in so no big deal.
Home life is just insane with two kids that don't seem to want to do what they need to, i.e. chores, picking up after themselves, general up keep of their rooms. I have one who thinks he can do whatever he wants and gets angry when he gets caught and then things get taken away from him. He is not making good or right choices in life and I don't know how to help him. He hates seminary, church and life in general. We give him a little freedom and he goes hog wild. One thinks that he can just do as he pleases because in the eye of the law he is an adult but he is living in my home and can't seem to understand that when you live in someone else house you need to abide by their rules and regulations especially when you are not paying room and board. How do I get them to understand my perspective on things and not have an anxiety attack that I am on the verge of having???
Bueller, Bueller, Bueller.
Work is and always has been crazy but it seems to be getting more so. But that is typical of a service industry that I work in so no big deal.
Home life is just insane with two kids that don't seem to want to do what they need to, i.e. chores, picking up after themselves, general up keep of their rooms. I have one who thinks he can do whatever he wants and gets angry when he gets caught and then things get taken away from him. He is not making good or right choices in life and I don't know how to help him. He hates seminary, church and life in general. We give him a little freedom and he goes hog wild. One thinks that he can just do as he pleases because in the eye of the law he is an adult but he is living in my home and can't seem to understand that when you live in someone else house you need to abide by their rules and regulations especially when you are not paying room and board. How do I get them to understand my perspective on things and not have an anxiety attack that I am on the verge of having???
Bueller, Bueller, Bueller.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
So I had my quarterly visit to my endocrinologist Dr. Argento (who I love to pieces) and it was a fantastic visit. My blood sugars are where they should be in fact they are just about where they are supposed to be for a normal person. YEAH ME! The only thing is that I need to up my vitamin D for a few months as it is a 27 and they want it to be between a 30-60 range, but with the winter months it is not uncommon for anyone to have low vitamin D levels. I guess that is why I have been a little depressed lately, I NEED the sun. I can not wait until spring and summer to be able to be outside again. My A1C was a 6 which is great for someone with diabetes anything above a 7 is bad it shows that your liver and pancreas is not functioning as they should. I have been seeing Dr. Argento for about 2 years now and my health has improved so much since seeing him. I decided that I needed to be more active in getting rid of this disease within my body and have started reading the book The Diabetes DTOUR Diet. I will let you know how it progresses.
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