Well, it is a BRAND new year and I thought I would give a try again at this blogging thing. I am hoping to post mostly upbeat things that have happened to me on a daily basis but with the way things work out you never know what can end up here positive or not!
News Years day was a very quiet day up until Steven got sick, I mean like projectile vomiting all over the bathroom. It was gross! I couldn't even clean it up he had to do it or I would have just added to the mess. YUCKO! I hate throwing up but alas it didn't last to long due to that following Saturday I was the one who was in my bathroom from 12:30 AM to 4:30 AM throwing up and on Sunday was in no way shape or form to move anywhere but from the bed to the couch and the bathroom. Then Shawn got sick as well but not as bad as Steven and I did.
Well, I came back to work yesterday and was it ever a busy day trying to catch up with just being off one day and trying to finish what I needed to from Friday. I hate that.
Let's recap some of the things that happened over this past year. Steven ended up playing Varsity Lacrosse and loved every minute that he got to play. He had a very busy summer with Boy Scout Camp, EFY, Football camp, Lacrosse camp, playing HEROS Lacrosse, going on vacation to Williamsburg, then football training starting right after we got back from vacation. All in all he had a great summer. He really loved going to EFY and it was both a very Spiritual awakening as well as meeting alot of new friends. He so wants to go again this year so I am hoping that I will be able afford it. Steven also was excited to turn 16 this year and for keeping up his grades he got a cell phone for his birthday. He wants to get his permit but I am making him wait until this summer so he can take drivers ed and so that he can keep his mind on his studies as he is taking SAT Prep classes, regular schhol work and Lacrosse practices/tryouts.
Shawn had a great summer also, he played HEROS Lacrosse, went to a Lacrosse camp, Football camp, Boy Scout camp and to Williamsburg as well. He was to young to go to EFY but he will be old enough this year but I think I am going to let him wait another year like I did Steven. Shawn has a rough time being away from me for long lengths of time yet so maybe one more year of maturing will help (I hope). Shawn is naturally gifted as an athlete and I was not surprised that he really made lasting impressions on the coaches for both Lacrosse and Football. The coaches are making plans for when he is a freshman next year so that is a positive thing for Shawn to give him incentive to keep his grades up and to give it his all.
As for me, with the boys being so busy makes it nice for me that I know what they are doing and where they are. I bought a three bedroom condo with two bathrooms this year which is so very exciting for me to be able to do that. It took me quite a few years t get my credit straightened out and I have talked to the boys about what I went through and gave the insight to hopefully not fall into the credit card trap that I did. I have some pretty awesome friends come and help me clean the condo, paint and move in to the new place as well. Ron was such a great help as he was in charge since I had to work and he made sure that everything was done in a timely fashion. My Home Teachers were also the best as they stayed and made sure that, along with Ron, all the beds were put together and the rooms set up so we would at least have someplace to rest our bodies.
I hope you all have a great and wonderful day and I will post more as I can.
Peace out!
Sorry to hear you all got sick. It sure has been going around. Hopefully, we are all done with it and the rest of the year will be a healthy one!