Friday, March 6, 2009

WARNING to those who have kids that will be Teens!

If you do not have any teenagers than I need to give you a WARNING about how you will end up with two extra kids that you never thought you would have. The first kids name is "I Don't Know" and the second kids name is "Not Me". They will creep up on you when you least expect it and they will take the blame for everything. I mean everything for example----whose turn is it to do take out the trash---I Don't Knows turn or who left all the lights on----Not Me. Oh and there is this---How come you did so bad on the test?----I Don't Know----well did you study?--No. Why not? "I Don't Know". Just be aware that you have all been warned and don't blame me when they show up and invade your house and you lives for how long is yet to be determined. Have a great day everyone. <3


  1. I hate to laugh, but I did. I know it's coming.....aaaaahhhhhhh!

  2. I'm so not ready to deal with this! But I too know it's coming!
