Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Thankful for the blessing in my life!

You know life can be hard and terrifying as well. Before I joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints my life was in such a spiraling down turn. There were two people in my life that seemed to want to control it and I let them (silly me). It took me a long time and a good therapist to finally break the chain that they had over me. I fell in love with a wonderful man and he introduced me to the Church. I was in such a down turn that I was looking for love wherever I could find it and it was not a nice picture either, but it did give me my two wonderful boys. They are my greatest gift I could have from Heavenly Father. My sons are handsome, polite, funny, goofy, smart, athletic and just really nice boys. I get many complements on how well behaved and respectful they are and I would like to thank everyone who tells me that it is so nice to know that.

Since joining the church my life has been blessed in so many ways--I have some wonderful sisters in the church that make my life a joy and knowing that they are there if I ever need them makes it even more special. I have been able to pay a full tithe to the church, purchase a home and provide for my family in a way I never thought possible. I love going to the Temple and being able to give all my troubles to Heavenly Father to deal with and when I leave the Temple I feel like all my burdens have been lifted and I need not worry about them anymore as they have all been left behind at his door. I love the peacefulness of the grounds at the Temple as well as i have always felt at home in the visitors center before I became a member of the True Church on the earth today. I have some wonderful visiting teachers and home teachers that truly exemplify there callings and do them faithfully every month and we love them and look forward to seeing them every month.

My children and I have a great testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel and know for a fact that we have a true living prophet on the earth today. If you want to know our stories just ask we will be happy to tell you it.


  1. Julie I'm so glad you brought me to your blog! This is a wonderful story and it brings me so much joy to read it. Your boys really are great kids, you've done so well. We love you :) Keep on keepin on :)

  2. Julie I'm so glad you brought me to this blog! This is a wonerful story and made me so happy to read it. Your boys really are great - you've done so well. We love you :) Keep on keepin on :)
