Monday, December 7, 2009

Dress Update

Well after a trip to two different Bridal shops I saw some that I really liked, but they would have to be altered to be made modest and I did not want to have to pay for those alterations. So I decided that on a whim I would check out Ebay and guess what????? JACKPOT! I placed a bid on a very modest gown and won. Boy was I surprised at that. So I got a nice expensive dress for a VERY modest price. I can't wait to see it. It has never been worn and was a floor model in my size. So there may be some minor alterations and a dry cleaning bill but the savings I made on this dress will more then pay for them. YEAH ME!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Shopping for the Dress......UGH!

You know I hate to shop as it is and now I have to try and find a dress I like to wear for the wedding. So this past Saturday we went to Columbia Bridal just to see what we could find. Good gracious are they pricey. I found one maybe two that I liked that were modest. So now tomorrow brings another round of dresses to try on at David's Bridal, nothing like being paraded around like cattle when you are trying on dresses. The things we do for the men in our lives. I would like to see him have to do this stuff as well. Oh wait he will on Saturday when we go find him and the boys Tux's to wear for the wedding I can't wait. I will update you all on what happens tomorrow and on Saturday when the boys have to parade around like peacocks. HA!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Date Change!

Well, we had to change the date of our wedding to April 9, 2010 due to the Rose Ball on the 24th. President Johnson told me that I should still have it on the 24th and then just bring everyone to the ball--cheap reception the food would be provided as well as a band and everyone would be dressed right. But I can't do that I want it to be all about me! Doesn't every bride? I still feel like this is surreal, like it is a dream and I am going to wake up at any minute and someone will yell fooled you! NOT FUNNY!

I ordered my ring on Saturday and it should be here on Friday or Tuesday at the latest. What an adventure that was. I had a diamond from my mom that we has reset so all we had to do was find a nice setting simple right? Wrong! Went to several different jewelery stores and boy was there a big price difference. One tried to tell us we needed to have a platinum prongs to protect the diamond. One was totally clueless, one wanted us to wait until the big event they were having and it would be only $700.00-$1000.00 (YIKES)! But we found the perfect one at Reed's Jewelers in the Columbia Mall. The guy was funny, friendly informative and didn't try to sell me something I did not want. I guess now I need to find a dress (and money to buy it), invitations, party favors etc. anyone want to help? I guess we will have to take it one day at a time.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Wedding Date

We have chosen April 24, 2010 for the wedding date. I am still in shock myself. Thanks for all the wonderful wishes.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

It's really happening!

Well after 7 years it has finally happened! Ron has proposed to me and we will be getting married. I am still in shock. It happened two weeks ago when we were discussing some things after a disagreement and he just popped the question. Talk about being speechless. I told some of my friends last night and boy did the heads start spinning with details or what colors, where to have the reception, a dress etc. I surely do have some awesome friends (of course this all started after they picked their mouths up off the floor). So keep tuned in and I will tell you of my adventures in getting married.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Holy Cow!

Just got back from the Doctors and I thought that I was going to have a bad report on my sugar level, blood work and weight loss. WRONG! My levels have been great even with a few bad days of high sugar reading. I lost another 8 pounds bringing it to a grand total of 54 lbs lost never to bee seen again. Blood work was wonderful as well, brought my cholesterol level down, A1C was 5.9 (which is fantastic for a diabetic) and my liver functions are normal as well. YEAH ME!

As I go through this daily life changing process it is hard. You need to watch what you eat and how much. I watch my carb intake a lot and once I have had all my carbs for the day it's no more eating for me and you know what I feel great, sleep better and that is what it is all about folks!

Friday, June 19, 2009


I lost another 9 pounds bringing it to a total of 46 pounds lost never to be found again. Another thing I found out when I went to the Doctor's was that my liver functions are back to normal, A1C is 6.7 which for someone with Diabetes is an great number. My other test were great except my cholesterol which was a tiny bit too high, but based on my diabetes medicine it was to be expected so I just need to take a new medicine to help bring it down and keep on working out, eating right and generally watching my Carb intake because it is all about the carbs in food and not the sugar. I had taken a Diabetes Education class last week and boy was it ever very informative and I learn a lot of things that I never knew and had some old things brought up to date.

Most of the people who were the educators in the class all had diabetes or have been working in this field for a long time, they just returned back from the diabetes conference in New Orleans and were able to inform us of the newest discoveries and guess what there wasn't that many. The main focal points are the same as they have always been. Diet, exercise, take your meds and lose weight.

I want to thank all my friends and family members for supporting me and loving me as they do as well as Heavenly Father for showing me that I am somebody.

Monday, June 8, 2009

This and that

Well this weekend was crazy busy. First on Friday we had to take the dog to the vet, by the way in case you didn't know we adopted a Siberian Husky from the Animal Control, and he was not happy. Shawn finally got a hair cut and is much happier these days. Then we started cleaning house knowing that we would not have time to do much on Saturday. On Saturday we had to get up early because Shawn had a Lacrosse game at 9:00 Am and my mother was going to come and watch him play. She got there during the Third quarter, we lost the game so it was about 10:15 before we got done. Went back to the house so my mom could see where we lived and then she left at 11:30 AM. My mom lives in Florida and had come up to Maryland on Tuesday to see my niece graduate and she is leaving tomorrow. We then had to take the dog back to the Vet to get his shots because I forgot to take his records with me on Friday. Shawn was with Ron so Steven and I decided to get lunch and by that time I had a massive migraine. I was supposed to go to a baby shower but with the migraine I just went to sleep, got up about 4 hours later and has to take Steven to work and go to the store to get the items to make cheesecakes. Came home and made two cheesecakes one plain and one chocolate.

On Sunday got up and went to church, had lunch with some friends as we had a friend visiting from out of town. Took Steven to work, came home and took the dog on a long walk, in the mean time Shawn broke the toilet so Ron had to come and fix that, he also replaced a light fixture in my hallway that was as UGLY as sin. I think it was a model from the 60's. (Shudder) Picked Steven up from work and went to bed. I was thinking well, next weekend should be less active, but nope the next 6 weekends are going to be just as busy. I thought my life would get easier once school was out----silly me!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

8 Lbs to Go! YEAH ME!

So I took Shawn to the Doctors today for his physical and I decided since he goes to the same practice as I do that I would weigh myself. I was hoping to get a good number. And boy did I ever. I have lost 7 lbs in a month so that brings it a total of 37lbs since last July that I have lost. I have only 20 days to lose 8 more lbs. I want to lose 45 lbs by my 45th birthday. Think I can do it? Don't think I can? Well what do you think?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Thankful for the blessing in my life!

You know life can be hard and terrifying as well. Before I joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints my life was in such a spiraling down turn. There were two people in my life that seemed to want to control it and I let them (silly me). It took me a long time and a good therapist to finally break the chain that they had over me. I fell in love with a wonderful man and he introduced me to the Church. I was in such a down turn that I was looking for love wherever I could find it and it was not a nice picture either, but it did give me my two wonderful boys. They are my greatest gift I could have from Heavenly Father. My sons are handsome, polite, funny, goofy, smart, athletic and just really nice boys. I get many complements on how well behaved and respectful they are and I would like to thank everyone who tells me that it is so nice to know that.

Since joining the church my life has been blessed in so many ways--I have some wonderful sisters in the church that make my life a joy and knowing that they are there if I ever need them makes it even more special. I have been able to pay a full tithe to the church, purchase a home and provide for my family in a way I never thought possible. I love going to the Temple and being able to give all my troubles to Heavenly Father to deal with and when I leave the Temple I feel like all my burdens have been lifted and I need not worry about them anymore as they have all been left behind at his door. I love the peacefulness of the grounds at the Temple as well as i have always felt at home in the visitors center before I became a member of the True Church on the earth today. I have some wonderful visiting teachers and home teachers that truly exemplify there callings and do them faithfully every month and we love them and look forward to seeing them every month.

My children and I have a great testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel and know for a fact that we have a true living prophet on the earth today. If you want to know our stories just ask we will be happy to tell you it.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

411 for all who might be interested

Well it has been about 2 weeks since I started insulin shots and in that two week period I have felt so good. I mean I am actually sleeping all night long and waking up in a good mood and believe me that has not happened in a long time. My kids have said to me that now I am to cheery in the morning and they can't handle it. I told to get used to it cause it's gonna continue for a long time. I have even gone back to the gym and started to work out again, I am feeling the pain of not working out as much as I used to (been walking on the treadmill at home)but it is helping me to get my sugars under control. My sugar readings have gone down and a few times it has been between 80-110 which is where a normal blood reading should be.

My son Shawn has been playing in a HC Lacrosse league through the park and rec here in Howard County Maryland and loving every minute of it. At least until Monday night when a kid from the other team tripped him up and he fell real hard and fast on his shoulder and now it is separated. I think he loves all the attention he is getting especially from the girls, but I made him sleep with out the sling on last night so that he could get some motion going to his shoulder. He woke up this morning and said that it wasn't as painful to move this morning. I told him that in order for it to heal you need to move it around a little each day so you don't lose the range of motion of your shoulder but not to go to extremes. He loves playing Lacrosse and hopes that he will be able to play the last few games (me to). He has stated that he wants to continue to go to practice and the games so that he can support his team. I thought that was very nice of him to still want to be there for the other kids and very sportsman like as well.

Now on to Steven---what can I say about him. He is such a nice kid and he loves his job working at Ritas ice in Harpers Choice village center. He had brought his grades up in school and he has informed me that he does not want to play Lacrosse next year and I told him that was his decision. He was promised lots of things but they have not been delivered so i do not blame him for not wanting to play. I can't believe that he will be graduating from High School next year and Shawn will be starting high school. YIKES.

I hope you all have a great and blessed life, til next time PEACE OUT!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Time to get real serious folks

I had been diagnosed with diabetes II about 10 years ago and have been keeping it under control until recently. Even though I have managed to lose 30 lbs in 9 months my sugar levels (AC1), liver functions and cholesterol have gone wacko on me. So I went to see an Endocrinologist, which is a Doctor that specializes in diabetes. Now I have to take insulin shots at night to help bring down my fasting blood sugars. I have taken two doses so far and it has brought down my levels from 267 to 165 which is a lot considering your fasting sugars should be between 80 and 110. I have watched what I have been eating for a while and added exercising to the mix which has helped me to lose the weight. Now I am being extra careful to watch what I eat. My primary care doctor is a wonderful person and very concerned with her patients and she is a very in your face in your life kind of Doctor she takes the time to listen to you and wants nothing more than to have you be a healthy person. I have gotten calls from her as late as 8:00 PM just so she can tell you your test results or to see how you are doing. I am glad that I found her through my friend Ann and she is just the type of Dr. I need in my life.

Tomorrow I have to go have a sonogram on my liver to find out what is happening there. So for tonight I have to have a fat free dinner, no dairy and nothing after Mid-night. I can take my meds in the morning with water but that is all. So it will be a very interesting day tomorrow since my appt. is at 9:00 AM and I will not be able to eat or drink until after the test.

What is really nice about all this is that Ron is so concerned and very active in helping me to maintain and do everything that I need to do. He wanted to go to my first appointment with Dr. Argento but he could not get out of his job on Monday, but he did come over to see how to inject my insulin shots. Those of you who know me should know what a big sissy I am about shots. I hate them and I can not give my self one for nothing. So Ron, my friend Kim, Steven (my son), and my friend Lori have all graciously volunteered to give them to me. If you want to help just let me know and we will add you to the list of shot givers.

If you want to know more about diabetes II just go to and it has a wealth of information about bout juvenile diabetes and diabetes II. Thanks for all your support.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Update on losing weight

So yesterday I went for my 3 month check up for my Diabetes II progress. But first let me back up to my January visit. I went in and found out that i had lost more weight (see previous posting) and had my blood drawn (gross) which occurs at every visit and I waited and waited and waited to hear about my results. Since I had not heard anything from my doctor I just naturally figured that everything was fine. Boy was I wrong about that! She told me that she was so upset about the results that she was scared to call me. Due to the fact that I had been losing weight my AC1 should have been going down and it was not, so we sat down and figured out what was wrong and adjusted my Actos medicine which is one of my diabetic pills. so we are hoping that with this adjustment that things will go back down. So now we wait until we get the results from this round and hoping everything is going the way it should. In case you didn't know your AC1 levels should be a 7 or below and this is how they know that your sugar levels (insulin) are functioning properly. Well back to the up date I have lost another 5 lbs so that makes a total of 30 lbs lost so far. I am hoping to lose 45 lbs by the time I am 45 in June, but that will take an intense amount of working out and eating about 700-1000 calories a day and that my friends is like just eating nothing all day. But if I can at least lose 5-10 lbs til then I will be happy. I need to start increasing my work outs more and I know I can do it but I am the type of person who has to have someone come to my house and drag me out to do more than I already do. Any volunteers? Anyone? Oh well if you want to volunteer just let me know.

Friday, April 3, 2009


So the other day I was cleaning up around the house (you know the most favorite thing that people like to do--NOT!) and I was vacuuming under the couch and one the boys left a sock under it and swoop there it is. It killed my vacuum and I was so upset that I threw the thing across the room (can you tell I was having a bad day?) so i decided to use the mini shark that we have for minor clean-ups and swoop there goes a cat toy up into the the stupid thing. So I gave up on cleaning that day and told my boys that I will now throw out any item that is where is should not be and if they don't like tough noogies. So I went to Ron's and told him what had happened of course he just laughed and then he showed me the consumer reports on vacuums and they had one from Hoover called a Temp Widepath that was to only be retailed for $80.00 at the most. I went on line to see where I could find one in a store and the only place was a Kmart---Hello all the Kmart's around here are gone so I decided to order it on line and now I am patiently waiting for it to arrive. It was supposed to be her as of Wednesday but it still is not. The dust bunnies are starting to run rampant in my house and who know soon it may just eat my cat. Not that that would bother me in least since it is mostly her fault that we have them with all of her cat hair every where. Oh well I can't wait to get me vacuum so I can see her run for her life when I turn it on. She doesn't like loud noises so she runs every time she see me getting any large object out. Scaredy Cat. I think I will have the boys go around and pick up all large objects and move the furniture as well so all the dust bunnies will not be able to hide from me. Run bunnies run as fast as you can I am going to be the vacuuming woman.

Monday, March 16, 2009

What a name---Julie's Joint

How did I come up with Julie's joint? Well last fall (2008) I was helping to run the concession stand for the Football season and the boosters club president said next year this will be Julie's Joint so I guess it just stuck in my mind. If I could have had my way growing up I would be in business for myself right now with a little restaurant or cafe and I would love to have it named Julie's Joint. Now you might ask what would Julie's Joint serve? Well, I would have some serious home cooked food like pot roast with mashed potatoes, carrots and gravy. A meatloaf, with roasted potatoes and some green vegetable, maybe a great sandwich or two with homemade salad of some kind. Who knows the possibilities are endless. I would have my friend Joanne so all the baking cause she is some kind of baker. I make a mean cheesecake, but Jo makes everything else under the sun and then some. I have tried to replicate her recipes but they just don't taste the same. I like to cook for people but just don't have the time to do it lately but when I do let me know if you want to come to dinner some time and we will make it a date!

Friday, March 6, 2009

WARNING to those who have kids that will be Teens!

If you do not have any teenagers than I need to give you a WARNING about how you will end up with two extra kids that you never thought you would have. The first kids name is "I Don't Know" and the second kids name is "Not Me". They will creep up on you when you least expect it and they will take the blame for everything. I mean everything for example----whose turn is it to do take out the trash---I Don't Knows turn or who left all the lights on----Not Me. Oh and there is this---How come you did so bad on the test?----I Don't Know----well did you study?--No. Why not? "I Don't Know". Just be aware that you have all been warned and don't blame me when they show up and invade your house and you lives for how long is yet to be determined. Have a great day everyone. <3

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

To The First Five People Who Read This Blog:

The first five people to respond to this post will get something made by me! My choice. For you.

This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:
1- I make no guarantees that you will like what I make!
2- What I create will be just for you.
3- It'll be done this year.
4- You have no clue what it's going to be.

The catch is that you must re-post this on your blog and offer the same to the first 5 people who do the same on your blog. The first 5 people to do so and leave a comment telling me they did win a FAB-U-LOUS homemade gift by me!

I don't actually care if you post this on your blog or not. I just thought it was a fun and cute idea. So leave a comment!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Temple

Well today the youth of our church are going to the Washington DC Temple to do baptisms for the dead. I have a few names that are going to be done by my boys of my relatives some that I had never gotten to know and a few that I did know. I also have some names that need to have other ordinances done. I love going to the Temple and when I am there it is so nice to leave all my cares at the front door, I am so relaxed when I leave that I don't ever want to go out the door. I know once I leave all the cares I left at the door will still be there, but I know that I have gained a lot of insight as to what I need to do to get rid of them. At times I wonder how I will ever get ahead and then when I do get a little ahead it seems that I have more trials waiting for me or the ones I thought I had gotten rid of seem to have grown larger. I like going with Ron but I love when I get to go with just the "girls" and we have such a great time together. I need to go more often to the Temple and I hate going by myself, I love the drive down to be able to talk to someone but with our busy lives and the fact that I can only go after 5 PM or on Saturday is hard for me to find someone to go with. But I know that I need and I have made a promise with God that I will go more often in 2009 so I just need to get my rear in gear and go! So if anyone who is able to go wants to go in the evening sometime just let me know.

I remember the first time I went to the Temple I cried after wards and was so happy that so many friends of mine came and that they showed how much they really loved me and with all that I have been through in my life it is nice to know that I have so many great friends and if you are one that cam to my first session just know that I thank you so much and love each of you dearly.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

They Grow up so Fast!

It seems like yesterday that Steven was just born but alas time sure flies by. He is now sixteen and yesterday he went on a job interview and he got his first job. A big SOB to me that my first born is starting to take on some responsibility in his journey to become an adult. I can remember when he used to love Barney and the Bananas in Pajamas. Then along came the Power Rangers, the red one was his favorite then legos, video games (he still loves his video game)and now it's girls, driving, a job and then comes college, a mission, more college, GULP marriage and then babies. I sure am gonna miss my baby. I can also remember my favorite photo of him, he is sitting on my bed holding his stuffed pig my friend Kim noble gave to him when he was born and he was bald headed with the biggest grin on his face (remind me to show it to you sometime). He loved his pig, which by the way he still has in his closet but don't let him know I told you about it.

Just this morning Shawn and I were talking and he asked if he could get a cell phone and I told him not until he was 16 like his brother. I jokingly told him since he was only 12 he had a long way to go. Which he promptly reminded me he was 13 and would soon be 14. Nope I said you will always be my baby and therefore you will be 12 forever not going to happen being a teenager. He drives my crazy sometime with his teenage attitude. Sigh, like I said they grow up so fast so cherish your children each and every day as one day soon they will not be around. I guess i will have to adopt everyone's kids as my own soon.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's that time again!

I can't believe that it is February and it's almost half over. Thus this starts a new season of craziness in my world as I know it. First we have Lacrosse starting and if that isn't bad enough both the boys are playing! Steven of course for Wilde Lake High School and Shawn will be playing with the Howard County Park and REC League. Shawn will be starting the middle of March and going until June 6th so every Saturday from then on I will be at the Cedar Lane Fields (I think) watching him play. Then any day that Steven has a game I will be at Wilde Lake High School. Plus Steven has SATs on March 14, 2009, I am thinking about letting him get his driving permit during Spring Break (YIKES) and of course we have the usual trying to clean house, laundry, time for myself for my own working out, scripture studying and just plain down time to relax. Then comes SUMMER---Boy Scout Camp, Football Camp, Lacrosse Camp, EFY, a week in Florida at Epcot then football try outs begin on august 15th and then School starts and with that comes FOOTBALL for both boys and I am running the Concession Stand for the next 4 years at least. Anyone want to trade places???? Anyone?? Hello anyone out there in this crazy mad world we live in? Of course you know I wouldn't trade it for the world I love being busy and supporting my boys.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Thankful for Smart kids with a head on their shoulders!

We went to a discussion at the High School the other night for Steven to earn some extra credit points for one of his classes. The course discussion was on Branded D.U. I. and I for one thought it was a good discussion. There was a movie about some teenagers who were at parties and they were drinking and decided to drive after they had been drinking. They all were Maryland teenagers and even one was from Howard County. They all were convicted of one offense or another and even had to do some jail time, community service, classes, one was put on probation and she even had to pay her own way for the classes she had to take. Another girl had one of the breathing machines that would not let her start her car until she breathed into it and pass the test showing that she had not been drinking and that cost her $80.00 per month for at least year and if you add that up it comes to $960.00 that she paid for not her parents. So after the movie they had a juvenile court judge speak as well as the HC police officer in charge of liquor licenses talk and we got to ask questions. During the question and answer section we were told of how that officer broke up a party of Wilde Lake students that was serving alcohol and they also had drugs at this party. One girl ended up jumping off a 2nd story balcony and breaking her foot. I talked to Steven about it and he said yeah and half the kids that were at the party were also attending this discussion session. When I found out who had the party and who was there I was quite surprised at what kids had done this. I made a promise to Steven that if he was ever at a party and those kinds of things going on that he should call me and tell me he needed to leave and I would pick him up no questions asked. He stated that he already knew that he would/could do that and that he would comply. A couple of his friends were there and I told them the same thing that they could always call me and I would pick them up no questions asked and their parents echoed my thoughts and we are so thankful that we can count on each other and that our kids were smart enough to know that they could trust any one of us parents.

All of Stevens friends know that they can always come to me with anything and that I will help them no matter what and they keep telling me that they like that fact and now their parents know that my son will be able to come to them as well and we are all thankful for having such great and responsible kids.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I hate when school is not in session. It seems that the boys do nothing but call my at work and complain that they are bored. I ask them if they have done their chores and I get the standard answer-----YES! But home i go home it all looks the same as when I left in the morning. If you look at their rooms you would think a tornado had hit them. Steven does not know what to do with a hanger, much less dresser drawers I often wonder why he has a dresser since everything is on the floor, on his bed, under the bed or in the closet. It takes me back to when I told the boys that I was going to purchase the condo that has three bedrooms and they can both have their own rooms. Steven was quick to say well I guess we will see who the cleaner one is of us now that we are going to have our own rooms. Like most siblings they always blame the other when the room that they shared was trashed but it was always the other ones fault. Well, I see that Steven wasn't entirely telling the truth about him being the less messy brother since his room is always the worst of the two. Shawn's clothes (most of them anyways) are either in the closet hung up crookedly or they are neatly laid across his night stand, but I can say that he things that belong in the dresser are in the dresser but just not the correct drawers.

Well you know how boys will be boys. Don;t get me wrong, I did grow up with four brothers and they were the same way. LOL. Now since they have "grown" up you would never know that they used to be so messy. SIGH, I guess I will have to wait until they move out and get their own places before they won't be so messy, but I guess I can live with that for now. LOL.

Decisions, decisions, decisions

I am having a hard time believing that my oldest son is a junior in high school and will be a senior next year. There are so many decisions that have to be made this year and many many more for next year. He is currently taking the SAT prep classes and will be able to take the SAT test on March 14, 2009. But we have to find out where the test is going to be and i just found out today that we have to register for the test by 2/11/09 but trying to figure out how much we have to pay for is very confusing, I am just going to have to talk to my friends whose kids have already taken the test to figure it out. Then coming up next year where he wants to go to college, financial aid, senior portraits, graduation etc. I guess in four years when my youngest has to go through all this I will hopefully remember who, what, where and when but I doubt it since i seem to have half-timers disease (half the time I can't remember anything).

My next biggest challenge is to find a good tax person to help me with my taxes since I just bought a house last year and one that is not going to charge me an arm and a leg to do them. Any suggestions???? Anyone? Hello is this thing on? Oh well, just wish me luck.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Good Long Time Friends

This past Saturday my friends Vivian and Dennis came to visit. I first met Vivian in July of 1985 when I moved here to Maryland and she was working in the same office as I was. We both worked for Hudson Trail Outfitters. I was the receptionist and she was the payroll person for the two companies that worked out the same office. We just seemed to hit it off and then she began dating Dennis and we have all been friends since then. If you do the math it has been or will be 24 years of friendship.

Vivian has always been like a mom to me. She was always there when I needed someone to talk to without being judged or just needed some motherly advice. She never let me down with negative thoughts or feelings no matter how much trouble I seemed to get into. Especially when I got pregnant with Steven and Shawn, she was always there for me to lean on and there were some pretty lean times but she always was just available. She and Dennis got married and they included us in their plans and all their family activities and just introduced me as their adopted daughter. They are still there to this day when I need them. My boys call them Grandma and Grandpa and they have always been tickled by that. This would mean that my boys were their first grand kids. We love going to visit them and the boys seem to have a lot of stuff to share with them and they like it when they come to their sports games or just come to hang out like they did this past weekend.

Dennis is very handy and when one of my chairs was broken he took it and fixed and you would never know that it was ever broken. They brought it back down this weekend, it will be nice to have six chairs around the table again.

They will be traveling this week to Arkansas to put the land they have there up for sale. They were going to eventually build a house there but decided that it was just to far from the kids so they are going to put it up for sale as well as their house in Union Bridge, Maryland and buy something in a retirement community and I think that is a wonderful thing for them they have worked hard all their lives and need to settle down in a place that does not need to have so much upkeep. I love going to their house and just chilling out. I feel so safe and comfortable that I don't get up there often enough. I used to go there when I need some down (before kids as well as after kids) and it would be my secret place and no one would know where I was, it was my safe place and every one needs a safe place.

I have only two other friends that I have had longer than Vivian and Dennis and they are Lisa and Ron W., they were my first friends at College and no matter how long it has been since we last talked we just pick up from where we left off and keep on trucking. Long time friends that you can be comfortable with no matter what the situation are wonderful ones to have.

i hope you have a long time friend that you can always count one. At least one anyways and if you have more, more power to you. Keep those friends close.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I'm So Excited!

Well, most of you that know me know that I am over weight. Since I have seeing my new Doctor as my primary care physician she is the most awesome IN-YOUR-FACE Doctor that I have ever had. I need that kind of doctor and she will not hesitate to let me know when she is disappointed in my progress or when she is elated at my progress. She had changed all my meds about a year ago and we have finally found the right solution to my needs. In July I started this new medication call Janumet for my diabetes II and from July until October I lost 11 pounds (also being on the Columbia Association and with my doctors approval a program called Fit Beginnings where they teach you how to work out and use the machines at the gym), then I went to the Doctors today for my every three month fasting appointment and I had lost 14 pounds since October for a total of 25 pounds lost to date. YEAH ME! I love this program that got me started on my journey to losing weight the correct way and eating right really helps out as well. I will continue to keep you posted on my weight lose as I go. Drinking lots of water helps me to maintain the eating out of boredom/I think I am hungry symptoms that happen to every one.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Loving others kids

I just love playing with other people's children. I can spoil them rotten and then give them back to their parents. On Tuesday night the youth of our church did one big birthday party for all the kids birthdays for the year with a white elephant gift exchange. While they were doing their opening ceremonies I was in the hallway and my friend Kelly came walking down the hall with her three adorable kids. I shouldn't have favorites but you know their is always one that grabs your heart and with her children it is Heidi. She is the cutest dirty blonde, blue eyed girl. Heidi always seems to like to play with me every time I see her and we have a great time, in fact all of her kids are great kids. They are very well behaved kids every time I see them and they are very smart as well. I think Kelly and Ed are doing a great job raising them.

I also have many other favorite kids of my friends as well and with each of them they have their own special thing about them that I love. I always seem to like the babies of the family, for instance their is my Connor, Moses, Morgan, Shannon and many many others that I just love being around and they are (for the most part) the babies of the families.

Just like adults each kid has their own special thing about them that makes then unique. Moses is very shy but flirty, Connor is rambunctious, Morgan and Shannon are very out going and will let you know when you are not paying enough attention to them. I could go on and on about many other things and kids but I think I will go on to the White Elephant exchange now.

It was so much fun to watch what the kids brought in from around their houses for this exchange, for instance there was a moose that pooped jelly beans, a green alien, fanny pack, electric socks, faux animal print fur hat and bag, cup of noodles, twizzlers, a Clint Eastwood movie, gerber gradutes microwave meal and many other thins. The looks on some of the kids faces was priceless. They even had two pinatas for the youth to hit with candy in it. I had some of the much younger kids with me watching it and when they opened the pinatas I made sure that they were able to get some of the candy and goodies from it and the kids really enjoyed that.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Try Try Try Again!

Well, it is a BRAND new year and I thought I would give a try again at this blogging thing. I am hoping to post mostly upbeat things that have happened to me on a daily basis but with the way things work out you never know what can end up here positive or not!

News Years day was a very quiet day up until Steven got sick, I mean like projectile vomiting all over the bathroom. It was gross! I couldn't even clean it up he had to do it or I would have just added to the mess. YUCKO! I hate throwing up but alas it didn't last to long due to that following Saturday I was the one who was in my bathroom from 12:30 AM to 4:30 AM throwing up and on Sunday was in no way shape or form to move anywhere but from the bed to the couch and the bathroom. Then Shawn got sick as well but not as bad as Steven and I did.

Well, I came back to work yesterday and was it ever a busy day trying to catch up with just being off one day and trying to finish what I needed to from Friday. I hate that.

Let's recap some of the things that happened over this past year. Steven ended up playing Varsity Lacrosse and loved every minute that he got to play. He had a very busy summer with Boy Scout Camp, EFY, Football camp, Lacrosse camp, playing HEROS Lacrosse, going on vacation to Williamsburg, then football training starting right after we got back from vacation. All in all he had a great summer. He really loved going to EFY and it was both a very Spiritual awakening as well as meeting alot of new friends. He so wants to go again this year so I am hoping that I will be able afford it. Steven also was excited to turn 16 this year and for keeping up his grades he got a cell phone for his birthday. He wants to get his permit but I am making him wait until this summer so he can take drivers ed and so that he can keep his mind on his studies as he is taking SAT Prep classes, regular schhol work and Lacrosse practices/tryouts.

Shawn had a great summer also, he played HEROS Lacrosse, went to a Lacrosse camp, Football camp, Boy Scout camp and to Williamsburg as well. He was to young to go to EFY but he will be old enough this year but I think I am going to let him wait another year like I did Steven. Shawn has a rough time being away from me for long lengths of time yet so maybe one more year of maturing will help (I hope). Shawn is naturally gifted as an athlete and I was not surprised that he really made lasting impressions on the coaches for both Lacrosse and Football. The coaches are making plans for when he is a freshman next year so that is a positive thing for Shawn to give him incentive to keep his grades up and to give it his all.

As for me, with the boys being so busy makes it nice for me that I know what they are doing and where they are. I bought a three bedroom condo with two bathrooms this year which is so very exciting for me to be able to do that. It took me quite a few years t get my credit straightened out and I have talked to the boys about what I went through and gave the insight to hopefully not fall into the credit card trap that I did. I have some pretty awesome friends come and help me clean the condo, paint and move in to the new place as well. Ron was such a great help as he was in charge since I had to work and he made sure that everything was done in a timely fashion. My Home Teachers were also the best as they stayed and made sure that, along with Ron, all the beds were put together and the rooms set up so we would at least have someplace to rest our bodies.

I hope you all have a great and wonderful day and I will post more as I can.

Peace out!