Friday, February 6, 2009

Thankful for Smart kids with a head on their shoulders!

We went to a discussion at the High School the other night for Steven to earn some extra credit points for one of his classes. The course discussion was on Branded D.U. I. and I for one thought it was a good discussion. There was a movie about some teenagers who were at parties and they were drinking and decided to drive after they had been drinking. They all were Maryland teenagers and even one was from Howard County. They all were convicted of one offense or another and even had to do some jail time, community service, classes, one was put on probation and she even had to pay her own way for the classes she had to take. Another girl had one of the breathing machines that would not let her start her car until she breathed into it and pass the test showing that she had not been drinking and that cost her $80.00 per month for at least year and if you add that up it comes to $960.00 that she paid for not her parents. So after the movie they had a juvenile court judge speak as well as the HC police officer in charge of liquor licenses talk and we got to ask questions. During the question and answer section we were told of how that officer broke up a party of Wilde Lake students that was serving alcohol and they also had drugs at this party. One girl ended up jumping off a 2nd story balcony and breaking her foot. I talked to Steven about it and he said yeah and half the kids that were at the party were also attending this discussion session. When I found out who had the party and who was there I was quite surprised at what kids had done this. I made a promise to Steven that if he was ever at a party and those kinds of things going on that he should call me and tell me he needed to leave and I would pick him up no questions asked. He stated that he already knew that he would/could do that and that he would comply. A couple of his friends were there and I told them the same thing that they could always call me and I would pick them up no questions asked and their parents echoed my thoughts and we are so thankful that we can count on each other and that our kids were smart enough to know that they could trust any one of us parents.

All of Stevens friends know that they can always come to me with anything and that I will help them no matter what and they keep telling me that they like that fact and now their parents know that my son will be able to come to them as well and we are all thankful for having such great and responsible kids.


  1. Wow! You are such a great Mom. I hope my boys trust me at Stevens age, the way Steven and his friends trust you.

  2. You and your boys have the best parent/child relationship. You deserve so many snaps for doing such a great job in raising them.
