Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Time to get real serious folks

I had been diagnosed with diabetes II about 10 years ago and have been keeping it under control until recently. Even though I have managed to lose 30 lbs in 9 months my sugar levels (AC1), liver functions and cholesterol have gone wacko on me. So I went to see an Endocrinologist, which is a Doctor that specializes in diabetes. Now I have to take insulin shots at night to help bring down my fasting blood sugars. I have taken two doses so far and it has brought down my levels from 267 to 165 which is a lot considering your fasting sugars should be between 80 and 110. I have watched what I have been eating for a while and added exercising to the mix which has helped me to lose the weight. Now I am being extra careful to watch what I eat. My primary care doctor is a wonderful person and very concerned with her patients and she is a very in your face in your life kind of Doctor she takes the time to listen to you and wants nothing more than to have you be a healthy person. I have gotten calls from her as late as 8:00 PM just so she can tell you your test results or to see how you are doing. I am glad that I found her through my friend Ann and she is just the type of Dr. I need in my life.

Tomorrow I have to go have a sonogram on my liver to find out what is happening there. So for tonight I have to have a fat free dinner, no dairy and nothing after Mid-night. I can take my meds in the morning with water but that is all. So it will be a very interesting day tomorrow since my appt. is at 9:00 AM and I will not be able to eat or drink until after the test.

What is really nice about all this is that Ron is so concerned and very active in helping me to maintain and do everything that I need to do. He wanted to go to my first appointment with Dr. Argento but he could not get out of his job on Monday, but he did come over to see how to inject my insulin shots. Those of you who know me should know what a big sissy I am about shots. I hate them and I can not give my self one for nothing. So Ron, my friend Kim, Steven (my son), and my friend Lori have all graciously volunteered to give them to me. If you want to help just let me know and we will add you to the list of shot givers.

If you want to know more about diabetes II just go to and it has a wealth of information about bout juvenile diabetes and diabetes II. Thanks for all your support.


  1. I am glad that you have been able to get the support you deserve and need. Good luck with the trails of diabetes. I know many wonderful people with DMII that lead normal productive fun lives!!!

  2. Good luck with your doctor visit tomorrow. I will be happy to give you a shot anytime but that seems like a really mean thing to do to a friend. Do you really want me to do such a thing?

  3. It isn't mean when it is to help someone's life get back to semi-normal, if mine is ever normal. Thanks for the offer I will keep you in mind.
