Friday, April 2, 2010

One Week to GO

Goodness how time had flown by! In one week I will be married to the man I truly love with all my heart, mind and soul. He is my soul mate, my rock, my better half (what a better half he is), my eternal love. He is started to get a little excited about it as well, but if you know Ron he does not let people that he does not know very well anyways, know he is getting excited. He is in such a good mood these days that people are commenting on it. Well you know he is getting married to me and that as Martha says, It's a good thing! The boys are getting excited to they are very happy that he finally stepped up and asked. They love him just as much as I do.

Although my cat Misty will not be happy that she will not be allowed to sleep with me anymore. She thinks she is the Queen of the castle. She was highly upset when I went to visit my mother when she was sick and Ron came and stayed with the boys. He slept in my bed, fixed a few things and she was not happy. She used to like him a lot but now she wants nothing to do with him. So it will be real interesting when he moves in.

Well I hope to see all of you at the wedding and the reception.


  1. Whahoo! It's coming close, yea!

  2. What a beautiful day it was. Thanks for allowing us to play a part in it.
