Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Well I decided to change up my blog a little bit. I have diabetes II and for the past two years I have been watching what I eat and exercising more than I have in the past. If you don't know what Diabetes II is it is also called Adult Onset Diabetes but even teenagers can get it as well. With DII (diabetes II) your body produces to much sugar and your liver and pancreas don't know what to do with it so it stays in your blood stream. You can become very drowsy and sleepy all the time, not much energy, have to go to the bathroom a lot and it even cause sleeplessness at night. It is not a fun disease to have. Most people think that only overweight people have it---NOT TRUE! I went to a diabetes education class and there were people of all shapes and sizes in the class. Some you wold look at and think they look like they could not have it at all, but it is a quiet disease and people you think might have it don't and people you think couldn't possible have it do. It is not picky about who it contracts itself with.

SO I have started working out at Curves after work three nights a week and I have lost 4.50 inches around my stomach and lost a few pounds (can't remember how much at this time) it is a gym for women only and I have met some amazing women there and they have told as well as showed me there weight losses and they are astounding. I feel better going there and my family notices that I am a happier person and they encourage me to keep on going. That alone is such a great affirmation to me that they want me to be happy and do what makes me smile.

In the new changes I will try to blog as much as possible about how my blood sugar reading are doing as well as my Curves workouts. They a great system there called Curves Smart where it tells you how well you are working your target areas and how many calories you burn during that session. So here's to wishing me luck!

1 comment:

  1. YEA for you! I didn't know you had DII. I will pray for God to bless you on your journey. I am so proud of you!
